Bun tagged me, and I thought that this was a rather interesting one, so I will bite this bullet.
4 PLACES I’VE BEEN1. Imilchil festival near Tinerhir in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains: The year that I graduated I travelled through Morocco as a backpacker. One of the more memorable destinations was Imilchil near Tinerhir in Morrocco’s Atlas Mountains, where the Berbers flock each year to find a husband or wife. I ended up washing in mountain streams and sleeping in between carpets to keep warm at night. A really memorable experience.
2. Linderhof castle: I profess – very un-PC—to liking Wagner’s music. I always have. My father hated it for all the obvious reasons. But Wagner’s patron King Ludwig had several castles of which the Linderhof near the Austrian border in German Bavaria is probably the most charming. The mirrors reflect forever in his study and it comes with a table that rises through the floor so nobody could watch him while he was eating.
3. New York: I travelled to the Big Apple for the very first time, a few years after I discovered that I was gay. Unfortunately I was still too wary to explore the city’s fleshpots, but I must have visited every museum in NYC.
4. Cape Cod: My second home. Nauset Beach.
4 JOBS I’VE HAD1. Selling newspaper subscriptions to students: a student job. I lasted about a month.
2. Editorial assistant – working for an editorial staff mainly consisting of men. Boring, but it was my first real job.
3. Journalist for one of Belgium’s leading newspapers. The job of my life.
4. PR flunky. I thought that I would love this job, but in retrospect I wasn't cut out for it. I simply am incapable of schmoozing but I really liked the research and writing work. 5 years.
4 OF MY FAVOURITE FOODS1. Rhubarb fool: Double cream, rhubarb, sugar. What more can a girl want.
2. Fish: Like Bun, I am a fish and chips fanatic. Always choose haddock. But I also love swordfish steaks, marinaded gently, or black cod, or tuna sashimi, etc.
3. Risotto made with Vialone Nano rice: I adore risotto. Can't live without it and it is a staple of our weekly menu. It has so much potential. But beware, you need good rice, good stock. And you need to know when to stop adding the stock.
4. Maids of Honour pastries: Hot out of the oven. So hot that you can’t even eat them yet. A secret recipe.
4 SCENES IN MOVIES I WISH I’D WRITTEN & DIRECTED1. The confrontation between Jack Nicholson & Nurse Ratchett in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
2. The last scene of Dangerous Liaisons
3. Any scene in The Hours
4. The confrontation between Tracy Lord and her dad by the swimming pool in The Philadelphia Story
So now I'm told that it behooves me to find four new Chinese volunteers:
The elusive Frau Genau
And anybody that wishes to partake in this tagging fun.
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