

And yes, the moment you(?)/I (certainly) have been waiting for. Nigella's website is at last relaunched and how!

Recipes, forum, Nigella's knick-knacks, you name it, it's there.

Pardon me, but I have more important things to attend to today. And tomorrow... and all the next days!

(We've been invited to a Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday, but to all you turkey diners out there, thanks for finding your way here, staying a while longer, and even becoming friends. And to Miss Velveeta in Kansas: hope that organic turkey was as succulent as it should be!).

2 messages:

Anonymous said...

I'll have to check it out, thx for the headsup!

Anonymous said...

I am just now catching up on my blog reading and I see that I got a shout out :)

The turkey was lovely.

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