

Hence no posts. I think I need a break. Can't even begin to think about food, given that I can't swallow it either. Hope to be back soon.

9 messages:

Anonymous said...

That sucks. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're not well. Not sure what to recommend as I'm not muxh of a medic. Rest and relaxtion and lots of fluids (of the non alcoholic kind) is probably where to begin.

Anonymous said...

and what's up with you???? :(
Feel better son ok!

Nigella Blog said...

I'm sorry to hear that...!
Hope you're feeling back to your normal self in no time :)

Fresco said...

Shame about the chocolate cake I would have sent you.
Since you can't swallow, I'm afraid I'll have to eat it myself.
Oh well, get well soon. :-)

Anonymous said...

Darrraling Lula,

A warm honeyrich hug from the Lowlands. My wife is also sick at home, with a very sour throat. And I must say, a very sexy voice...

I know you are and have been very busy lately and therefor I thank you for the effort you're always making to share your thoughts and recipes with you visitors.

Over the internet I give you the extra strength to become better very soon. For we all know, you have to take care of three people, now.

How is the SO? And the apple of your eye: the famous Munchkin?

Keep it up, Lieve Lula!


Vikki said...

Get well soon!

Anonymous said...

A post for the sick demi-goddess at

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better soon xxx

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