Take a bow.


I need to clarify this post.

I routinely work with words on a daily basis. In fact, language is all I see, every day.
But these are other people's words, not my own.
So I undertook to put my own words in writing. Hence, the origin of this blog.

It's been a good six months, and I enjoyed meeting new people with similar or different interests.
Some people have even been kind enough to comment on what I've written.

However, at this point, I don't see any added value to this blog. I don't know what it does, except provide me with a vehicle to air my thoughts, opinions and interests.

Maybe I should just limit myself to being a reader, or to my day job even. Maybe I should focus on more important, relevant things. This evening I saw Geert Wilders' film 'Fitna'. It made me think about how people's perceptions cannot be changed, how we all end up choosing a side of the divide, and how people just cannot seem to bridge the gap.

It made me think about the fact that I am gay, and out there, although I have never actually encountered such people, there are people who would actually kill me for loving a woman.

It made me think that it's all very nice to be here on the Internet, blogging about silly daily events, but that there's more going on out there.

It was a fine game, while it lasted. But I think that my time has come to fold.

Don't you think?

7 messages:

Anonymous said...

Darralling Lula,

Hence telling you that i always enjoy the words you are typing in this blog.

I assume this is a tiny spring depression. Moments stolen from your daily things to do.
and now we wait...

Piglet said...

I've only just found this blog and you're shutting it down? That would be a real shame.
Is there more important work to do? Sure. We should all be Doctors without Borders, protesting the north/south divide, writing letters to politicians, put suncells on our roofs, eat biologically and throw our cars out. Reading? Waste of time. Telly? Waste of time. Relaxing? Waste of time. Blogging? Yep, waste of time.
But without it we'd go mad.

If blogging is a chore to you, then yeah, stop blogging. But if you enjoy it, it'd be a shame to stop. I've been blogging for years now and I still like it. Granted, I don't blog daily, and there was a time where I felt guilty about that, but now I blog for me. And I don't care much about who reads it. So why quit?

Incidentally, that post about couples splitting up.. it moved me. Not so strange, seeing the situation I'm in at the moment, but beyond that. It was honest and painful and true. Words have the power to make people think, and when they move people.. well, that's meaningful.

Anonymous said...

Geez, I don't think you should close up shop. I don't know any other lesbian mums in Antwerp, and I've quite enjoyed getting to know you (and what concerns and interests you) this-a-way. Just one humble opinion.

Fresco said...

I recently had the same feeling and I just had to get out for a while.
Blogging is like that - you love it, you hate it, but it's an addiction you can't get rid of.
Especially if you like to write.
Take a break and you will return with refreshed blogging lust, I assure you.

Anonymous said...

Noooo! We need more dyke blogging in Belgium anyway and you are great at it! Is it because TLW Season is over and done with for this year? Anyway, we can't loose you AND Scribegrrrl in the same week, that just won't do...

Misgrace said...

Thank you all for your comments. I hope my next post clarifies my feelings at the moment.

Anonymous said...

You might remember I came close to shutting up shop at least twice since I started. I'm at almost the 1 year mark now. Way back in 2003 I blogged (I forget for how long) and then quit, not restarting again until 07.

I like the act of *writing* thoughts down. I don't always like how public the blog is and how much 'random' traffic gets driven to it.

Hope you don't quit, but you could always do a hiatus. Absence makes the heart grow f........ and all that! :P

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