Following Suburban Mum's post on Nigel Slater's brownies, the domestic demi-goddess, in true form, rose to the challenge.
Deeply dark chocolate bliss on a dish.
I know what I will be eating for dessert tonight. Maybe with some double cream or some vanilla ice?

Some remarks:
- photo taken by webcam
- I used cane sugar instead of caster sugar
- our cocoa and dark chocolate might be somewhat higher in cocoa content, which explains the dark colour.
- they are very moist, because I fiddled with the recipe a bit at the beginning
6 messages:
Mmmmmmm, look delish! I could really have done with some of those myself today. Maybe I'll try my hand at them this weekend!
Wow, that didn't take you long! I finished up ours last night warmed up with some vanilla ice cream. Yum. Hope yours were as nice, they certainly look it.
@suburban mum: rave reviews so far. And you were so right about the bowl factor.
I made some yesterday!! Very nice they were too. Have only had 1 so far during last night's dinner. Gave half the batch to 'A'. He has a strong fondness for chocolatey stuff and they won't last him long at all.
We're going slowly, although my nephew attacked them with a certain gusto this weekend.
I'll have one this evening with a cuppa.
I finished my last one tonight. I'm working from home tomorrow. It's not impossible I'll make more.
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